Home Staging

Real Estate agents know the difference great staging can make when selling your home.

 The right first impression is key! We know how to connect with buyer’s as soon as they walk through the front door, they’ll feel like it’s the home they have been looking for. Creating a vision for the buyer is the optimal way to help sell a home, no matter the market. Our home staging services help you get top dollar for your home.

Home Staging

  • 1. Initial Staging Consultation

    We start with a 90 minute consultation where we will walk through your property with you, room by room. We’ll discuss how to stage your home for the best results. At the end of the initial consultation there are couple of options for you to choose from below.

    Initial 90 minute consultation starts at $200.00

  • 2. Home Staging

    We can continue to work with you to prepare and stage your home using your furniture and accessories. We’ll work with you on organization, moving furniture and accessorizing to stage each room. Our professional stager will create a list and instructions for any final items that should be completed or repaired by you.

    $150.00 per hour

  • 3. Full Service Staging - Vacant Property

    We can arrange to bring in furniture and accessories after you have moved out and we’ll stage your home for you. This is a full service option for busy home owners.

    Price quote will be provided

Let’s Get Started Today.